Happy Birthday Drake!!!
Today is Drake's Birthday. He is 5 and I can't believe it. When he was born it was 4:00 in the morning. He weighed 7lb. and 3oz. He was my child with issues. He was tongue tired he had acid reflex and he had a clogged tear duct. It seems like It was just yesterday that I had him.
Drake is so much fun and outgoing. He always says the darnedest things. He is definitely my wild child and is always getting into trouble, but he also is the one that will always hug and kiss me.
He loves all sports, we think he will be our sports boy. He also loves playing cars, coloring, playing army guys, going camping and just playing outside anytime. Drake is so friendly, he will make friends wherever we go. He loves to play. He is so much fun to have in our home and I don't know what we would do with out our little man. We love you Drake!!!
Today is Drake's Birthday. He is 5 and I can't believe it. When he was born it was 4:00 in the morning. He weighed 7lb. and 3oz. He was my child with issues. He was tongue tired he had acid reflex and he had a clogged tear duct. It seems like It was just yesterday that I had him.
Drake is so much fun and outgoing. He always says the darnedest things. He is definitely my wild child and is always getting into trouble, but he also is the one that will always hug and kiss me.
He loves all sports, we think he will be our sports boy. He also loves playing cars, coloring, playing army guys, going camping and just playing outside anytime. Drake is so friendly, he will make friends wherever we go. He loves to play. He is so much fun to have in our home and I don't know what we would do with out our little man. We love you Drake!!!
Happy Birthday to Drake!! He is such a cute, friendly, and fun little boy. It looks like he had a great birthday....love the pirate stuff:)
Happy Birthday Drake!! That is the cutest picture up top. All I want for my birthday is my two front teeth.
Happy birthday buddy!!! It looks like the party was a blast....aarrgh!!!! I cannot believe that they are turning 5..it has flown by so fast. It seems like we were just prego together!!!!
Lunch next week...what day would you like to hook up????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
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